ESL Milonga Update & Special Workshops..

Masha Abapolnikova and Aja Fenn are teaching a special edition of Leading for Followers & Following for Leaders on Saturday December 17th at the new ESL in Shaw! We will start with Leading for Followers at 2pm, followed by 30 minutes of open practice time, then we’ll transition to the Following for Leaders workshop at 4pm. We encourage participants of both groups to use the window of open dancing time between workshops to practice dancing in their non-dominant role! The new ESL has a few nice rooms for dancing. On this occasion we’ll be using the room on the 1st floor. Space will be limited for these workshops. REGISTRATION is now open!

While we’re on the topic of ESL, what is happening with the ESL Tuesday night milonga? We apologize for the radio silence about this. We had to wait a long time for the venue to be ready (due to pandemic related delays) and at this point the community has evolved and changed considerably. The team has decided that the community has too many Tuesday night events at this point to add another one to the calendar, so we will no longer be resuming the ESL milonga on Tuesday nights. We are, however, very happy to be using this great space for classes and other special offerings.

Thanks for reading folks. See you on the dance floor.

The Fábrica Team


Coming up..


Thanksgiving Milonga Fábrica and more updates…