Coming up..

First we want to remind everyone about TOMORROW’S WORKSHOPS! Registration looks excitingly robust! At Fábrica, we believe that if a person wants to become kick-ass good at tango, experiencing and practicing the “other” role becomes a necessary step at some stage in their journey. This step is empowering, demystifying, fascinating and a lot of fun! Furthermore, it helps foster a community of compassion, understanding and connection between dancers of ALL roles.

Here’s a reminder of tomorrow’s schedule:

Saturday December 17th
Learn how to lead! - for experienced followers: 2 - 3:30 PM
Open dancing for both: 3:30 - 4 PM
Learn how to follow! - for experienced leaders: 4 - 5:30 PM

Please NOTE: These workshops are for folks wanting to explore or improve upon their skills in their non-dominant role. It is NOT suitable for people completely new to Argentine tango. One must be advanced beginner level or above in one’s “primary” (or preferred) role.

Aja Fenn and Masha Abapolnikova


ESL Shaw
1230 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001
1st floor

Secondly, we are thrilled to be offering a series on Wednesday nights this January with Phil Jones. Aja and Phil are going to focus specifically on dancing in small spaces for crowded milongas! This series will cover critical navigational skills/tools for leaders, and how to work with micro spacial management and expression for followers. More info coming soon about this, but in the meantime mark your calendars! and stay tuned to the website for registration details.


Coming up very soon!!


ESL Milonga Update & Special Workshops..