Coming up very soon!!

How to Dance in Small Spaces!

A special 4 week Series on Wednesday evenings in Takoma Park with Aja Fenn and Phil Jones starts next Wednesday! This series is already almost full. We currently have ONE leader spot open and TWO follower spots. When those spots are taken people will be waitlisted.

This series will focus on how to dance in small spaces at crowded milongas! Leaders will learn critical navigational skills/tools for tight spaces, and followers will learn how to work with micro spacial management and expression.

January 11th - February 1st 2023


7:30 - 9 PM
IMPORTANT: class will start on time every week. Please plan to arrive 15 minutess early to warm up, change your shoes, use the rest room etc to avoid missing or disrupting the start of class.

Aja Fenn and Phil Jones

Bienvenido Studio
7910 Garland Ave.
Takoma Park MD 20912.

Note: The Annapolis Práctica is currently taking a break. Stay tuned to this page and the fb group for updates.

Upcoming Classes:

NEW 6 Week Beginner Series:
With Aja Fenn and Gabriel Medeiros
Sundays, January 8th - February 12th
12 - 1:30 PM
This series is currently FULL for followers ONLY. You may register if you are a leader OR if you are a follower with a leader (partner) ALSO registering. Please write to to be added to the “follower only” waitlist.

NEW 6 Week Intermediate Milonga/Vals Series:
With Aja Fenn and Gabriel Medeiros
Sundays, January 8th - February 12th
1:30 - 3 PM
This series is currently FULL for followers ONLY. You may register if you are a leader OR if you are a follower with a leader (partner) ALSO registering. Please write to to be added to the “follower only” waitlist.


Spring News & Updates…


Coming up..